Hardcore Posties 2012 Coast to Coast

The hardcore postie riders emerged from discussions on the ADV Rider forum. Led by Phil Hodgens from Motorbikin’ video fame, rides were organised in extreme landscapes and filmed by Phil for inclusion on his DVDs.

Although they’ve done many rides over the years, this piece is about their 2012 Coast to Coast record attempt. Nineteen riders left Byron Bay, NSW in the east and blasted 5000kms across Australia to Steep Point, WA in the west.

The sanitised version of the story can be found in “Are We There Yet?”

This video follows a few of the teams across the deserts and gives just a tiny taste of the grueling conditions they faced.

One of the leaders, George Vergotis, was interviewed by ABC Radio while they were tackling the Gunbarrel Highway in WA.

Ray Cope’s story and photos about the Hardcore Posties crossing can be found here

but wait, there’s more…

Riders are often interviewed on radio or for podcasts as they travel around the country. Here is some more media for your enjoyment.

Adventure Rider Radio – Nathan Millward

Adventure Rider Radio – Jacqui Kennedy

ABC Radio – 500 Words – Jacqui Kennedy

Bikes -Burgers – Beers – Jacqui Kennedy

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